The Wallace

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Art Adventures with Aby

There is so much beauty right in our own community.  If there is a silver lining to a self-quarantine it is finding more time to spend with those we love and appreciate the simple beauty all around us. For me this has included taking a daily break to go on a walk or jog with my dog, Abygail. 

We both enjoy staying active and getting a little fresh air.  Taking a daily walk especially right now, is a good opportunity to remember to take things one step at a time, one day at a time! (Thank you to my dear friend, Betsy, for that inspiration!)

I've always enjoyed the mosaics around Levelland, but to be honest, I haven't taken much time to stop and appreciate them.  There are parts of my world that are moving at super speed trying to keep up and figure out where to go, and other parts that have come to a disappointing screeching halt.  On these walks with Aby, I've given myself the freedom to slow down and think.  

As I stopped, I took the time to appreciate the small individual tiles in each mosaic.  I admire the vision of each artist and the commitment it took to get each piece placed just right. 

Just as each tile is unique and special, so are we. Right now we are all trying to figure out how to live in our new normal, but we as individuals have the opportunity to create something beautiful together as we help each other during this time.  The greatest beauty in the world is recognizing the unique gifts each person has to contribute to their community.  

I'm proud that the Wallace has a platform to showcase and support our local musicians and give our community the opportunity to appreciate their art.  I'm looking forward to finding ways to do the same with artists in other fields.  

Aby and I went on a self guided Mosaics tour: 

  We were inspired by the chalk mosaics many of our Wallace Friends have done!